Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Week 5 : Hand Collages

Craft - The creation of this piece was simply using an eraser. I brought the vertical hand to the front. I adjusted the opacity so I could see the fingers of the purple hands. Then I used the eraser to erase where the fingers would be so that it looked that the purple hands were holding the vertical hand. 

Composition - The reason I choose to arrange in this way is because I wanted to create something that looked realistic yet surreal. The image of two  purple hands holding another identical vertical twin of them is pretty intense. I wanted to make a bit confusion with all the finger and different colored fingers. At a first glance, the image is a bit confusing until your eyes get a chance to process what is happening. Then the reaction is how did he place the vertical hand inside the other two layers? That was the question I wanted to evoke in the viewer of this piece. Lastly, I placed the three main hands on a black and white background and made them a much larger scale. This again makes the viewer go straight to the larger, colored hands. 

Concept - This is simply just trying to show a cool benefit of a simple tool in Photoshop. I wanted to show the power of just the eraser. 

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