Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Week 4: Bread Collages (Craft)

Craft - I made this image by simply copying and pasting the image multiple times (Command C > Command V). Each time I did so, I would enlarge the image and send it to back (Layer > Arrange > Send to back). I continued until I had the entire page covered with the images each sitting inside one another. It took a little bit of playing with the sizes in order to get them to all fit inside the next.  Then on the smallest and closest forward layer I chose to manipulated the hue by adjusting the variance and saturation. I played with different levels of saturation and variance until I landed on an effect that added some distortion to the layer but did not distort the image too much where it was not recognizable. At the end of this Photoshop session, prior to saving of course, I would view the entire document on full screen to see how it hits on a large scale. I was happy with the image and saved it as a JPEG. 

Composition - I arranged the piece in this way because i wanted to attract the viewers eye directly to the middle. I used a bulls eye type effect that draws you in one ring at a time until finally the viewer was focused on the middle piece. Also the distorted color of the inner image helps to draw one's attention to the middle. 
Concept - I pretty much tried to draw the viewer the center image in two ways. In doing so, I wanted to see which method was more effective. Was the vibrant colored layer more attractive or was the bulls eye type layout more effective in drawing the viewer into the center. 

 Another attempt to draw the viewer to one specific image. 

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