Monday, February 21, 2011

Week 7: Escape From Ordinary Radio (thumbnails)

Most of my thumbnails are pretty self explanatory. The top left is emphasizing on the idea of escape. The subject is running out of a jail cell that contains "ordinary radio." The one next to it is a simliar scenario where a person is in a car running away form a radio on wheels. The middle left one is the idea that al radios are the same except for the middle radio which is the escape from ordinary. Then i arrived at my best idea which is the idea of handcuffs or a hand busting out of a radio. The notion that the person is literally trapped inside the radio and is breaking out. Those thumbnails will be seen in the next blog.  

Week 6 : Hand Collages Final

All of my images seemed to have an overall well reception from the class. The only suggestions I got were to adjust some of the contrast and hue between the colored hands and the non-colored hands. So in Photoshop, I made my colored hands more saturated and adjusted to brightness of the natural colored hand. I left the background as is because it is all been flattened into one layer. So in order to create these finished versions, I made some minor adjustments to saturation and brightness to give me the contrast that I was looking for.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Week 5 : Hand Collages

Craft - The creation of this piece was simply using an eraser. I brought the vertical hand to the front. I adjusted the opacity so I could see the fingers of the purple hands. Then I used the eraser to erase where the fingers would be so that it looked that the purple hands were holding the vertical hand. 

Composition - The reason I choose to arrange in this way is because I wanted to create something that looked realistic yet surreal. The image of two  purple hands holding another identical vertical twin of them is pretty intense. I wanted to make a bit confusion with all the finger and different colored fingers. At a first glance, the image is a bit confusing until your eyes get a chance to process what is happening. Then the reaction is how did he place the vertical hand inside the other two layers? That was the question I wanted to evoke in the viewer of this piece. Lastly, I placed the three main hands on a black and white background and made them a much larger scale. This again makes the viewer go straight to the larger, colored hands. 

Concept - This is simply just trying to show a cool benefit of a simple tool in Photoshop. I wanted to show the power of just the eraser. 

Week 4: Bread Collages (Craft)

Craft - I made this image by simply copying and pasting the image multiple times (Command C > Command V). Each time I did so, I would enlarge the image and send it to back (Layer > Arrange > Send to back). I continued until I had the entire page covered with the images each sitting inside one another. It took a little bit of playing with the sizes in order to get them to all fit inside the next.  Then on the smallest and closest forward layer I chose to manipulated the hue by adjusting the variance and saturation. I played with different levels of saturation and variance until I landed on an effect that added some distortion to the layer but did not distort the image too much where it was not recognizable. At the end of this Photoshop session, prior to saving of course, I would view the entire document on full screen to see how it hits on a large scale. I was happy with the image and saved it as a JPEG. 

Composition - I arranged the piece in this way because i wanted to attract the viewers eye directly to the middle. I used a bulls eye type effect that draws you in one ring at a time until finally the viewer was focused on the middle piece. Also the distorted color of the inner image helps to draw one's attention to the middle. 
Concept - I pretty much tried to draw the viewer the center image in two ways. In doing so, I wanted to see which method was more effective. Was the vibrant colored layer more attractive or was the bulls eye type layout more effective in drawing the viewer into the center. 

 Another attempt to draw the viewer to one specific image.