Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Week 2: Photoshoot

I created this picture by using "macro" mode on my camera and getting as parallel as possible with the rope shreds. I used no zoom because it tended to blur my image. The lighting was about 4:00 so the sun was still out but not very luminate. I used open windows and all overhead lights from the room.

The reason i choose to shoot  this rope from an angle rather than from a top view is because i wanted to really emphasize on the tangled, chaotic aspect of the strands. From a top view you would nt be able to see the detailed strands as well as you can from this view.

As far as concept I was not really trying to say an ythign in particular. I just really liked this shot and I like how is shows something as simple as rope being so chaotic and intense from a closer view.

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