Sunday, May 8, 2011


I tried from my home computer and at school to upload my jpegs and my movie but everytime it says server error... I dont know what else to do to get it posted. You saw my video but i can email that and my missing jpegs to you. Otherwise i cant get this blogger to let me post up any attachments.


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Week 15 - Video FINAL

For my video I decided to dedicate it to my lovely collection of guitars. I gave each guitar its own little segment with a background bursh that i felt really played off the guitar's personality. Yes, guitars have personalities, and names for that matter. I used the tween to adjust the fade ins and position movement of the guitars. I played with the delay to also give the animation more rhythm and for it to pause on each guitar so that people could get a good look at her before the name appears. I titled the animation "My Ladies" simply because those are my girls. I treat them like they are my girlfriends and each one has its own personality. Overall, this video was created to try and show an enticing animation with a solid rhythm that keeps the viewer intrigued for the whole animation. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Week 12: Bike Brushes

Week 14: Lakeview Street Poles

My first pole tended to be a little too much of an outstretch for Lakeview. It was more focused on creating a interesting piece of art work that fit the scale but not the demographic it was being created for. I went about it in the same manner as we did with the photoshop paintings. I would just create a bunch of layers and continue to turn layers on and off until i was i found a composition that i was happy with.
   For my second composition, i decided to take into consideration more of what kind of area Lakeview is. I tied in the Cubs colors to help emphasize the Wrigleyville feel. I kept it simple and clean to try to play along with the upscale environment. I chose to leave out anything to represent boystown because i feel that regardless of a persons sexual orientation they can appreciate a piece of art that is made for their hometown/area.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Week 13: Bike Paintings Final

Craft - These "paintings" were all created from brushes that i made using photos I took at the bike shop across the street.  I went about these in a very random way. I just created a new layer with a similar color and a new brush each time. I then drew on that layer or stamped it. The entire piece was created without seeing or knowing where the previous layers were. So in the end, after turing on all the layers, i had a complete piece in front of me. 
Composition - I then began to arrange the layers to create the compositions that worked best. I would turn off certain layers and move certain layers to the front or back until i was happy with my arrangement. Then i would save it or screen capture it and the result would be the three above. 
Concept- The concept for these was pretty simple because we were already given a subject of bikes. I just tried to convey the message of bike without having a boring composition of just all bike parts. I kept the colors intense and the shapes pretty powerful. This enabled me to complete the assignment but still create a cool fresh piece or work. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Week 10: 88.3 Final Version

The changes made to this version from the last have really boosted its overall success. I threw a gradient coming down from the 88.3 to show some sense of righteousness or freedom. Like the light at the end of the tunnel concept. I added some more buttons to the radio to make it better resemble a radio. I also used bevel and emboss to slightly make the buttons look more real. Finally i cleaned up the blend between the drawing and the radio. I matched the radio color and with a brush just threw some strokes in to make it blend. Then i just adjusted the opacity til it looked somewhat believable. 

Week 9: 88.3 Digital Version

Craft - I scanned in the hand drawing and tried to fuse it as best as possible with the radio which i drew using photoshop. The blending needs to be cleaned up and i need to finish the radio. 
Concept - the concept is a hand breaking free from a boring looking radio. I tried to show the word escape by using handcuffs around the hand but that really didnt no have much significance to the meaning. So what you see is the current representation of Escape from Ordinary radio.
Composition - I simply kept it traditional. Everything centered and the colors just black and white. I wanted the emphasis to be on the concept more than the craft or composition.